Archivi del mese: Maggio 2013


Non so perchè ma a guardarlo, questo video, mi rilassa.

Da Twitter


“Il cervello umano può ricordare solo 3-4 cose contemporaneamente e solo per 20 secondi circa.”

E’ un classico che accade in campagna elettorale, quando fanno le promesse…

Photographer Jerry Uelsmann



Detroit-born, Florida-based renowned photographer Jerry Uelsmann has been manipulating photos long before Photoshop transformed the world of photography. The skilled and diligent creative has produced remarkably believable surreal landscapes by hand in the dark room. Without the aid of photo editing software, Uelsmann uses multiple negatives and up to a dozen enlargers to create composite images that boast a wild imagination.
The photographer’s time-consuming technique was greatly revered before the advent of digital technology, especially before the rise of programs like Photoshop, for its innovative presentation of images that went beyond basic documentation. The images’ artistic play on reality partnered with Uelsmann’s skilled assemblage mesmerizes viewers, even today. His inventive and sometimes mind-boggling works blend opposing themes and visual motifs seamlessly into one frame. Man and nature become one and the impossible becomes possible in Uelsmann’s surreal world.

Be sure to check out the video, below, of Uelsmann revealing his multi-step process in the dark room.

Tim Burton site


Official Site in this web page click “continue to site…” is very funny

Giusto per ricordare

Fruit energy


Electric orange

Back to Light is a creatively scientific series by photogrampher Caleb Charland that explores the naturally electrifying power of ordinary objects like fruits and loose change. The images in the series f

eatures a number of materials, including consumables readily found in one’s pantry, generating enough power to light lamps and LED lights. We had previously seen Charland light a lamp with 300 apples, but now the grocery list has expanded to include oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, pomelos, and vinegar.

The ongoing photo project, which began in 2010, was initially inspired by the powerful simplicity of the potato battery. The science enthusiast explains, “By inserting a galvanized nail into one side of a potato and a copper wire in the other side a small electrical current is generated. The zinc coating on the nail gives off electrons due to the electrolyte environment within the potato. These electrons then travel along the copper wire providing the electrical voltage to illuminate a small light emitting diode. The utter simplicity of this electrical phenomenon is endlessly fascinating for me.”

Additionally, Charland reflects on his own project by saying: “This work speaks to a common curiosity we all have for how the world works as well as a global concern for the future of earth’s energy sources. My hope is that these photographs function as micro utopias by suggesting and illustrating the endless possibilities of alternative and sustainable energy production.”

Charland tells us that he hopes to expand his project this summer by making “little hydro electric generators and installing them in the landscape.” Until then, the photographer is showing a selection of his works at Schneider Gallery in Chicago and has a solo show coming up at Gallery Kayafas in Boston from May 17th through June 7th.

Bolides – meteorites



Bellissima rappresentazione di Carlo Zapponi  in timeline delle cadute di meteoriti sul nostro pianeta. Cliccando sull’immagine vedrete l’animazione nel corso dei secoli, con i vari eventi.

architettura ecosostenibile

Contemporary green building


il blog di angelo orlando meloni


la macchia nera della vita


romanzo a puntate di Ben Apfel


Vivere per viaggiare, viaggiare per vivere...

la Polirica

La scelta è sempre tra una peretta gigante e un panino alla merda, fin dall' inizio del mondo la partita si è sempre giocata tra una peretta gigante e un panino alla merda, solo loro hanno la faccia tosta per fare politica!


Abbandonarsi ai Piaceri per ritrovare il Benessere

This is Not Art [QuestaNonÈArte]

Stories about art, but not only by artists


Helping Knowledge Workers Thrive

zhm pictures

blog di informazione, viaggi e cultura


Non dire con tanto quello che si può dire con poco

La storia infinita

Milanese di nascita, vivo a Magenta. Sposato, con due figli. Lavoro come impiegato specializzato in ambito acquisti edilizia industriale in prov.di Piacenza. Questo è il mio sito blog personale ( Albifix ). Arte, Cultura, Scienze e Attualità

Alberto Sguanci

Milanese di nascita, vivo a Magenta. Sposato, con due figli. Lavoro come impiegato specializzato in ambito acquisti edilizia industriale in prov.di Piacenza. Questo è il mio sito blog personale ( Albifix ). Arte, Cultura, Scienze e Attualità

Davide Giacalone

Milanese di nascita, vivo a Magenta. Sposato, con due figli. Lavoro come impiegato specializzato in ambito acquisti edilizia industriale in prov.di Piacenza. Questo è il mio sito blog personale ( Albifix ). Arte, Cultura, Scienze e Attualità